Happy Anniversary

Come celebrate the anniversary of your favorite groups & solo artist with Big B Radio!

Anniversary Marathons air some time during the moth of the artist anniversary depending on DJ availability.

Be sure to check the schedule to see whos anniversarys we're celebrating this month!


IZ*ONE debuted on October 29, 2018

SHINHWA debutet on March 24 1998
2PM debuted on September 4 2008

BTOB debuted on March 21, 2012

Thank you for always supporting THE RAMPAGE. 2022 will be their 5th anniversary. They will celebrate their 6th anniversary on January 25, 2023! I would be happy if you could celebrate their anniversary together.Thank you for their special feature.RAMPAGE's leader also mentioned this program on Twitter.

2023.8.10 is the 29th birthday of THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE vocalist RIKU.

I would like to celebrate, so please take care of me.

22nd May is BALLISTIK BOYZ's 4th debut anniversary.
Thank you for your support for them as always.

22th MAY is BALLISTIK BOYZ's 4th Debut Anniversary. Please add it.

Please check out the schedule for Anniversary marathons, 17th - 8PM EST BALLISTIK BOYZ from EXILE TRIBE

We would like to request you to celebrate RAMPAGE's 7th anniversary since their debut on January 25th. In 2023, each member appeared in dramas, movies, and variety shows, revived their own title programs, and successfully held LIVE events overseas. I would like to express my gratitude to them and express my gratitude. I would be happy if you could help me.

Hi! January 25th is THE RAMPAGE's 7th anniversary of debut! I would be happy if you could celebrate.

On January 25th next year, THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE will celebrate their 8th anniversary. Thank you so much for responding to our requests on their 7th anniversary. It made us very happy. This year, they also established a global fan club, and held live shows and events overseas. They also had a lot of interactions with overseas fans. We hope that next year too, the entertainment that RAMPAGE unleashes will reach the world. We hope you will keep an eye on their future endeavors. We hope you will celebrate their 8th anniversary next year as well.

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